An LCD panel, allegedly belonging to the Apple iPhone phablet, has leaked. Measured at 14cm, the actual size works out to a tad over 5.5 inches. Unfortunately, there are no special markings that would prove that this is from the phone that would be the first iOS powered phablet. Keeping a cynical eye on the photo, and taking this with a grain of salt (after all, this could be a screen from anything), speculation has the phablet launching later this year, in short supply.
There also has been talk that a larger screened iPhone will employ sapphire glass because of its strength and protective qualities. The 5.5 inch glass is expected to feature a resolution of 960 x 1704. An Apple A8 chip will be under the hood and the handset is believed to support VoLTE.
Apple is expected to offer the phablet this year, as a way to fight back against the ever increasing size of Android flagship models. Where once a 4.3 inch display was considered humungous, the Samsung Galaxy W was recently released with a 7 inch screen.
5.5 inch glass allegedly belonging to the upcoming Apple iPhone phablet
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