Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Samsung will present its new high-class device to the world tomorrow

Tomorrow, Samsung will unveil something it heavily hypes up. As Samsung Russia's Twitter announcement reads: "Such a thing hasn't happened before! Tomorrow #Samsung will present its new high-class device to the world. Curious to know what it'd be?". You bet we're curious, Samsung, so how about we throw in a bit of speculation?

On the promotional photo, we see this beautiful young lady taking a turquoise something out of her purse. It looks rectangular, and it's probably a smartphone. We also see five different colored circles above the date, which could mean that whatever Samsung is going to announce tomorrow, it might come dressed in turquoise, pink, white, brown, and black. Alas, these are all the clues Sammy is giving us. And it's strange that such an illustrious advert is coming a mere day before the announcement. This suggests that the eventual product isn't of high priority for the company, but the text contradicts this notion.

Looking at the ad's fashion direction, we're likely talking about a new La Fleur device or series. We'll see more what Samsung has in store tomorrow anyway, but feel free to place your bets.

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